The Big Reset: Simplification of End-to-End Retail in Response to Increasing Inflation
Many retail organisations have gone through a significantly turbulent period, working hard to keep the lights on. For the last 12 to 18 months, they have been coping with supply chain issues, pricing optimisation after-effects, and systems producing information that still does not help them with...
Examining Recent Cycles for Clues to What Lies Ahead for Retailers
The retail sector continues to experience rapid innovation and disruption, reflecting an ongoing transformation of consumer behavior and preferences that affects how and for what people shop. Pressure is continuing to mount for retailers heading into 2023—liquidity is falling as inventory and...
Customer Acquisition and Connection in the Evolving Retail Environment
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, e-commerce sales (internet shopping and mail order) made up roughly 5.4% of retail sales in October 2000, excluding autos and gas stations. 1 That figure has risen steadily and is now close to 21% ( Figure 1 ). Since the dot-com bubble burst in 2000 and...
Three Issues  to Navigate to Avoid a Retailer’s Liquidation
Retail reorganizations fail at an alarming rate. While nearly half of all large retail Chapter 11 cases that begin with aspirations of reorganizing ultimately liquidate, only a small fraction of mega cases in other industries end in a liquidation. As a result of the retail business model and...
Pressures Continue to Grow in the Ag, Logistics Industries
As I pen my guest editor column for this edition of the Journal of Corporate Renewal focused on retail, it is the first week of 2023, and retail is once again challenged. Inflation is high, consumer confidence is down, and inventory levels remain challenged. A number of large retailers appear to be...
The Biotech Battalion Takes on Pharmaceuticals, Assets, and Investments

From the 2022 TMA Annual

Learn the ABCs of the biotech world, including restructuring in biotech. What is the market like for this industry, and where is the money going? Where does the FDA process fit in, and what are the unique considerations regarding the erosion of asset value? What...

The Unprecedented Financial Crisis of the Evergrande Group

From the 2022 TMA Annual

All eyes are on the largest property developer in China, the Evergrande Group, as offshore creditors holding bonds and notes are looking at billions of dollars in losses if they do not act to protect their interests in various jurisdictions. The preliminary...

Pressures Continue to Grow in the Ag, Logistics Industries
You can’t eat cryptocurrency, and you can’t drink crude oil. The cultivation of plants and animals for human consumption — i.e ., agriculture—represents one of mankind’s few truly indispensable activities. Eliminate modern agriculture, and civilization disappears, along with all its high-tech...
Considerations in  Financing Florida-Based Citrus  Enterprises
Since its beginnings as a niche tangerine and specialty citrus packer in 1927, the companies have grown through an effective balance of tradition and entrepreneurial spirit and are now managed by members of the third and fourth generations of the founding family. Based in Winter Haven, Florida, the...
Food Fight: A Clash of Conflicting Grain Statutory Schemes
I n re Express Grain Terminal, LLC 1 highlights clashes between Articles 2, 7, and 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC); clashes between the UCC and the federal Food Security Act (FSA); and clashes between Article 7 of the UCC and state laws regulating grain elevators. Express Grain Terminal LLC...