All eyes are on the largest property developer in China, the Evergrande Group, as offshore creditors holding bonds and notes are looking at billions of dollars in losses if they do not act to protect their interests in various jurisdictions. The preliminary...
In this session, our experts explore the impact of global, political, and economic events as well as the impact of international developments in key regions on the distressed investing and restructuring industry. Don’t miss a lively...
Dr. Moyo discussed Brexit, China/US relations, and climate change. She explained the impact of the structural problems we face including population, inequality, scarcity, and technology. Dr. Moyo offered radical solutions to resolve them and reignite global growth...
At the end of 2014 and into early 2015, the sharp decline in the oil price was daily news. While there has been some recent respite from the price falls that were being recorded, this article explores how the new lower price will impact companies in the sector in the short and medium terms. From...
Historically low interest rates resulting from quantitative easing in the developed markets have afforded relatively easy access to capital, making it possible for distressed companies around the globe to refinance rather than restructure as capital markets continue to flow. In China, bank capital...
As part of the political project Pacto por México , the Mexican executive branch signed 13 initiatives in May 2013 that derogated and amended provisions of 34 laws. The financial reform amendments became effective in January 2014. As part of the financial reform, some amendments that cover...