2022 TMA Distressed Investing Conference

From the 2022 TMA Distressed Investing Conference

We’ve asked the experts, “a bitcoin for your thoughts?” Find out everything you need to know about crypto and blockchain. Understand the current trends, risks, and opportunities in this space. Is bitcoin a viable investment in the long...

Rob Montgomery, CTP
Q: How did you gravitate into turnaround/restructuring work? Montgomery: Honestly, I sort of fell into turnaround and restructuring 20-some-odd years ago coming out of undergrad. At the time, I wasn’t entirely sure that I really knew what restructuring was all about, but it was the idea of getting...
Suspect Energy Suppliers Are Failing  at the Expense of the German Public Sector, Consumers
The liberalization of the energy market in Germany has made it easy for electricity/gas providers to position themselves in the market with an internet portal. More than two decades since liberalization of the market, there are now around 1,000 electricity/gas providers. In addition to an internet...
Severe Cost Pressures Are Pushing UK Energy Suppliers into Insolvency, Restructuring
At the time of writing, approximately 30 UK-based energy supply companies have ceased trading since the start of 2021 alone, affecting millions of customers and altering the landscape of the UK’s retail consumer energy market. With the threat of continued increases to wholesale energy prices...
DOE LoanPrograms May Help Start-Ups Escape the ‘Valley of Death’
Early-stage companies and those with new and/or innovative solutions have a difficult time raising the capital necessary to ensure success, largely due to perceived imbalance of risk and reward. That difficulty is even more exaggerated when an early-stage company seeks to employ new and/or...
Multiparty Negotiations: Finding Bargaining Power When Financial Resources Are  Scarce
One of the most common yet challenging tasks that turnaround professionals must perform are multiparty negotiations. These negotiations are particularly difficult when counterparties perceive likely outcomes to be generally negative or not beneficial to their own interest. When that is the case,...
A Showdown Over the ‘Texas Two-Step’
The Texas two-step is an iconic dance. Many readers may have memories of learning the dance steps in elementary school gym classes as training for future jaunts to legendary Texas venues like Gruene Hall or Billy Bob’s. These days, a Texas two-step of sorts is the talk of the restructuring world,...
Energy Industry Faces New Era of Uncertainty, Challenges
From 2009 to 2019 the oil industry destroyed over $300 billion of investors’ capital, and that was before the 2020 crash. 1 During this era of relatively cheap oil, the industry was run like a failed startup: companies prioritized increased market share over profitability. Investors tolerated what...
Leader Board: Jeffrey C. Hampton
I hope that you joined us at the TMA Distressed Investing Conference in Las Vegas. It was a terrific event, and we were very happy to see so many of you back in person. TMA will continue putting on great networking and education events in 2022, so if we missed you in Las Vegas, we hope to see you...
From Crisis to Clarity
As we enjoy the afterglow of one of most successful and meaningful Distressed Investing Conferences TMA has experienced in recent years, we look at our year of Innovation through Disruption, and we revel in the opportunities that lie ahead. In a year where our membership retention is at historic...