©2022 Christopher Beauchamp, www.christopherbeauchamp.com
Q: How did you gravitate into lending into turnaround or distressed situations as opposed to other types of lending? KANE: As you know, 98% of the bankers who participate in TMA are lenders. I am not. I’m a transactional services guy, so I work in US Bank’s Global Corporate Trust Services, which...
Effective Leadership  Results in  Faster Recoveries
The company was failing. A huge backlog, decreasing quality, and a general feeling of malaise had become the standard. The company had recently been bought by a holding company, which sent in a new president to fix the problem. The new president recognized that the company’s problems stemmed...
Maximizing  the Bottom Line Impact of Sales
Driving sales of a company’s most profitable customers can make the difference between success and distress. To do so, one first must understand how much each customer contributes to the bottom line. This is not as simple as it sounds in certain industries, such as the aftermarket automotive. In...
The Melting ICE Cube:
Few industries are as impacted by macroeconomic pressure, global supply-chain disruption, and technological changes as the automotive industry. Over the past year, the sector has enjoyed light vehicle demand that significantly exceeded supply, and this is a major factor in Wall Street taking a...
Suppliers Face the Most  Difficult Operating  Environment in Memory
During the financial crisis, automotive OEMs and suppliers faced a more rapid and severe collapse in demand than the industry had seen in modern history. In North America, new vehicle production dropped more than 40% from 2007 to 2009 as consumer confidence evaporated and new car financing...
Leader Board: Jeffrey C. Hampton
Given the history of TMA, a year wouldn’t be complete without a JCR focused on the automotive industry. As we all know, between tariffs, COVID shutdowns, supply chain issues, and gas prices, this has certainly been a volatile period for anyone trying to purchase a car and the large number of...
From Crisis to Clarity
Well into autumn, we come closer and closer to the grandness of conference season and the beginning of many positive steps forward with what lies on the horizon for 2023 and beyond for TMA Nation. Led by TMA Global President Jane Mitnick, our Governance Task Force has spent a good part of 2022...
Pressures Continue to Grow in the Ag, Logistics Industries
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, stakeholders in the automotive industry have been severely impacted. OEM suppliers have operated against multiple industry disruptions, including declining automaker outputs and the rapid rise in labor costs, raw material prices, and premium freight charges...
2022 TMA Distressed Investing Conference

From the 2022 TMA Distressed Investing Conference

What in the world is going on with the global supply chain? This panel will discuss the impact of current supply chain issues, what is happening at the ports, where to look for opportunities, and when the crisis may end.


TMA Town Hall for July 22, 2020

Automotive Manufacturing Distress sponsored by AlixPartners

The auto industry is entering an era of depressed global sales and a massive, unprecedented debt load. Learn more about the supply chain risks and other pressures affecting automotive manufacturers.
