Between Boy Scouts, Weinstein, USA Gymnastics, and the many Diocese cases, the number of bankruptcy cases involving sex abuse-related claims and litigation has steadily increased. Join us for an engaging discussion of the issues and...
How have women been impacted by the “Great Resignation,” increased demand for skilled talent, and current hiring trends? NOW is the perfect time for a candid discussion about compensation, the impact of inflation on the market, and hiring strategies to...
Austin's reputation as an innovative global city at the intersection of art, music, film, and digital experiences creates the perfect backdrop for this discussion about what's happening now in the world of art and creativity. From the proliferation of digital...
The Texas Two-Step is a strategy that has been used by companies with enormous tort liabilities and it is getting a lot of attention now. Join us to learn more about what the Texas Two-Step is, how it’s being used, and the variety of issues it involves. We’ll...
Were the recent challenges in the Texas electricity market a sign of what’s to come in other parts of the United States? Watch this discussion on disruption due to climate change and how climate change and our aging infrastructure combine...
What in the world is going on with the global supply chain? This panel will discuss the impact of current supply chain issues, what is happening at the ports, where to look for opportunities, and when the crisis may end.
The Federal Reserve’s most recent guidance suggests the debt and equity markets should tighten and influence an increase in distressed activity. The panel will address anticipated changes in interest rates and inflation during 2022 and how...
We’ve asked the experts, “a bitcoin for your thoughts?” Find out everything you need to know about crypto and blockchain. Understand the current trends, risks, and opportunities in this space. Is bitcoin a viable investment in the long...
What does the near future hold for capital availability? Watch this session to hear strategies in raising capital, identifying the unicorns, justifying the risks, and generating returns.
Federal programs and policies have had a tremendous impact on businesses and the economy. This panel will offer a more comprehensive understanding of short- and medium-term policy initiatives on a range of issues, including fiscal spending plans, financial...