During the last few years, the insolvency industry has witnessed a tumult of financial advisory firm activity. New entrants, acquisitions, roll-ups, service expansions, investment banks, and strategy firms are moving into the classic restructuring space...
What does the near future hold for capital availability? Watch this session to hear strategies in raising capital, identifying the unicorns, justifying the risks, and generating returns.
ESG, Sustainable, and Impact Investing: Returns, Profits, and Distressed Potential
Presented in partnership with the New York Institute of Credit. Investors are increasingly concerned with the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts of their investment...
This panel of strategic investors, lenders, and restructuring specialists is back! Before COVID-19, a lot of industries were in distress, now a lot more are struggling. This panel will highlight people that operate in this...
Before COVID, private equity was sitting on dry powder. How has the pandemic and resulting economic crisis impacted liquidity, and what does the liquidity in the market mean for companies seeking financing? Can we expect the...
Could the retail apocalypse really get any worse than it already was? Unfortunately, the answer was yes. Is the tsunami of a retail market in freefall redefining a space that is already in the severest historical levels of...
Completing the transaction is often the easy part. The real work begins day one post-merger, when success necessitates hitting the ground running. Ideally, a transaction will create economic value which exceeds the cost of the...
In the world that is our new normal, actual, anticipated, or deferred loan defaults are swirling around everywhere. Are best practices that were employed just months ago applicable to today? With a whirlwind of borrowers...
Show me the money, but beware that it may come at a price. Learn about the problems and pitfalls that lenders, unsecured creditors, and other parties pose in the quest to finance a turnaround. Learn more about stub rent,...