Virtual 2020 TMA NextGen Leadership Experience

From the 2020 NextGen Leadership Experience

This panel of strategic investors, lenders, and restructuring specialists is back! Before COVID-19, a lot of industries were in distress, now a lot more are struggling. This panel will highlight people that operate in this...

Any commercial finance executive today is sure to have a real-world example or anecdote about the many ways e-commerce has reshaped the retail sector and subsequently impacted his or her clients. Though generally healthy, the retail sector seems to be in a constant state of disruption, with...
A person can lose all voting rights to his or her company in the blink of an eye. For many years, there was a palpable reluctance in the financial world to exercise foreclosure rights over equity-based collateral. After all, while it may be one thing to demand payment, it is another thing entirely...
Distressed lending is a financing opportunity that comes from working with a company that is in the process of a restructuring. With today’s competitive landscape and the availability of capital, leverage levels and EBITDA addbacks are at all-time highs, and the thoroughness of due diligence is at...
To many, private M&A seems healthy and offers little cause for concern. A surface review reveals a record number of transactions and easy liquidity. A deeper look uncovers cause for concern, however; aggressive underwriting and elevated leverage held by nontraditional lenders underpin many...
Pressing global issues currently affecting U.S. businesses will likely affect the restructuring insolvency community in the coming year. Oil disputes in the Middle East; uncertainty around Brexit in the U.K.; distress in the European banking system; trade stalemates between the U.S. and China,...