2022 TMA Distressed Investing Conference

From the 2022 TMA Distressed Investing Conference

The Federal Reserve’s most recent guidance suggests the debt and equity markets should tighten and influence an increase in distressed activity. The panel will address anticipated changes in interest rates and inflation during 2022 and how...

2022 TMA Distressed Investing Conference

From the 2022 TMA Distressed Investing Conference

What does the near future hold for capital availability? Watch this session to hear strategies in raising capital, identifying the unicorns, justifying the risks, and generating returns.

1.0 CLE accredited in Delaware and ...

TMA Town Hall for May 12, 2021

The First 100: The Biden Administration's Impact on Restructuring

Sponsored by Bernstein Shur, Development Specialists, Inc., and Gavin/Solmonese.

Recent legislation has significantly impacted the turnaround and restructuring industry, including...

IMPACT 2020: The TMA Annual Experience

From IMPACT 2020: The TMA Annual Experience

Before COVID, private equity was sitting on dry powder. How has the pandemic and resulting economic crisis impacted liquidity, and what does the liquidity in the market mean for companies seeking financing? Can we expect the...

CROs Adapt to Limits on On-Site Presence
Can a chief restructuring officer (CRO) continue to be an effective and efficient resource for lenders in this new normal environment? The short answer is “absolutely.” But the longer answer is complicated. Workouts of lenders’ distressed credits aren’t going away, and in fact, they most likely...
Getting the Deal Done, Even During a Pandemic
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, most people have had to adjust to the new normal of working remotely. Most nonessential offices and businesses began shutting their doors in mid-March. The uncertainty of so many different facets of everyday life being turned upside down was stressful to many,...
Winners and Losers
The COVID-19 pandemic has created winners and losers, often penalizing and benefiting entire industries on the basis of how their respective operations, products, and services fit into the new business environment. This phenomenon poses a challenge to business leaders sifting through myriad factors...
Remote Bankruptcy
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on large portions of the American economy. Small and mid-size businesses have felt the greatest impact, because they generally have less cash flow and access to capital markets that can allow a company to weather a severe business interruption like that...
Subchapter V
Most middle market lenders probably paid little attention when the Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA)—popularly known as Subchapter V, referring to the new Subchapter V of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code—took effect in February 2020. Only businesses with combined secured and unsecured debts...
What Lenders Expect  from Borrowers Battered  by COVID-19 Fallout
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a seismic shock to the economy, slowing and in many cases stopping the gears of commerce. The resulting drop in demand for products and services has been dramatic, with U.S. GDP contracting 33% in the second quarter of 2020. This, in turn, has given rise to an...