From the 2022 TMA NOW Summit 

For many women, career progress doesn’t always happen in simple steps up the traditional “ladder.” In this keynote panel discussion, you’ll hear several highly successful TMA NOW members discuss the twists and turns they took on their unique paths to success...

From the 2022 TMA NOW Summit 

How have women been impacted by the “Great Resignation,” increased demand for skilled talent, and current hiring trends? NOW is the perfect time for a candid discussion about compensation, the impact of inflation on the market, and hiring strategies to...

From The 2021 TMA Annual

In this discussion, speakers will explore the impact of COVID-19 on the labor market, parents and families (predominantly women and people of color), and what the future looks like. You’ll learn about the effects of the pandemic on the workforce, as well as what...

Adding DE&I to the Turnaround Toolkit
At the core, the overarching goal of every turnaround or corporate restructuring, whether in or out of court, is to maximize enterprise value. When determining how best to accomplish that objective, enterprise leaders, together with their advisors, evaluate a variety of operational, legal, and...