11 november 2015: Diner - CRO now and in the future Een alom gerespecteerde CRO met een enorme staat van dienst, betrokken geweest bij de herstructureringen van VION en SAAB, heeft ons zijn visie gegeven op de rol van de CRO. Hierbij ging hij in op voorbeelden uit zijn praktijk van de afgelopen 25...
2016 Boston Marathon: Our very own Vice President of Programming, Josh Cohen of Day Pitney ran the Boston Marathon this past week. Check out these pictures of his amazing run... he doesn't even look winded... his time, 3:18... that's our Josh! Josh started running in the early 90's. This was his...
Save the date for the 2016 TMA Europe Distressed Investing Conference For additional information contact Mandy Caruana .
Please join us at TMA Southern California's 14th Annual NIGHT OF EXCELLENCE Charity networking Event. Benefiting City of Hope We're back, by the legendary pool of the newly refreshed Avalon Hotel for the single largest networking event of its kind in our market. With an incredible venue, fine...
Please join us in Madison, Wisconsin on May 24th for a networking opportunity to meet with some of the region’s top bankers, commercial lenders, and accountants, along with turnaround and other workout professionals. Weather permitting, we will host this networking event on the fourth floor terrace...
Monday, April 4, 2016 | TMA New Jersey | turnaround.org/newjersey After serving as your NJTMA president for three months I'm beginning to feel like newly broken in athletic shoes, comfortable and ready to run with my new position. Thank you to those of you who have made my transition so seamless. I...
Monday, April 4, 2016 | TMA New Jersey | turnaround.org/newjersey After serving as your NJTMA president for three months I'm beginning to feel like newly broken in athletic shoes, comfortable and ready to run with my new position. Thank you to those of you who have made my transition so seamless. I...
The Montreal Chapter of the Turnaround Management Association is proud to invite the members of Montreal’s insolvency and restructuring community to the next event Guest Speaker Danièle Henkel A favorite amongst Quebec viewers thanks to her starring role on the Radio-Canada flagship show "Dans l'...
The 2016 TMA Annual The 2016 TMA Annual presents top-tier professional development and relevant programming, along with several facilitated networking events with fellow attendees. This is the TMA Global conference that attracts members from around the world. It is truly a global event. Taste your...