When a company is experiencing financial distress, addressing problems as soon as possible is critical to achieving the best outcome. As the situation deteriorates over time, the odds of saving the business and maximizing value are minimized. Typically, once a company’s board recognizes the gravity...
Market prices for most steel, aluminum, and copper products are at or near historical lows not seen since early 2009 following the global financial crisis and resulting recession. Market barometers and the global economy indicate that the remainder of 2016 could experience further market price...
When bankruptcy and restructuring professionals evaluate the health of a company, they typically focus on the pieces of information that they can touch—balance sheets, cash flow statements, working capital. They look at liquidity, solvency, and profit and loss. They also look at the company’s...
When managers decide that a step change in performance is desirable and achievable, they’ll often undertake a performance transformation. Such transformations are large-scale efforts that run the full span of a company, challenging the business fundamentals of every organizational layer. That...
Target. Yahoo! PF Chang’s. Home Depot. Sony. These are but a handful of the headline-grabbing privacy and data breach incidents that have had direct negative business impacts on the affected companies. Organizations that ignore the reality of these incidents, as well as the growing body of...
This month’s JCR is devoted to topics surrounding the construction industry, which offers me the perfect opportunity to speak of TMA’s role and my interest in building a better industry for all of us who are in the business of saving distressed enterprises. My primary objective in joining TMA...
Victoria White Baudier is a partner in the Transactions and Corporate Advisory Services Practice Group in the New Orleans office of Adams and Reese LLP. Her experience includes general business counseling, commercial litigation, bankruptcy transactions and litigation, asset acquisitions, franchise...
Payment of professionals in Chapter 11 is a complex process intended to ensure transparency and fairness. It can also be a maze filled with traps for the unwary. Professionals for the estate are required to have their engagement approved by the court at the beginning of the case and then to have...
Construction is a great business. Good contractors can build excellent companies and generate healthy profits. Construction is also a risky business. Almost half of all contractors in business today will be out of business five years from now. Contractors should develop a strong team of advisors to...
Typically, a lender can rely on receivables as collateral to support revolving lines of credit and similar credit facilities. However, the remedies and protections for suppliers, labor, and subcontractors significantly impact a lender’s ability to rely on a contractor’s receivables. Because of...