The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), signed by President Trump on December 22, 2017, has potential implications for nearly every segment of the healthcare industry. For healthcare providers, elements of the TCJA may increase pressure on operating profitability, which may, in turn, lead to an...
The public focus on making healthcare better, more cost effective, and increasingly convenient has resulted in a number of disruptive forces challenging organizations. A small disruption in profitability or timing of cash flows can have large ramifications, especially for companies that have used...
A law firm just filed a Chapter 11 case in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. That can be a stressful time, but the attorneys are experienced and understand the protocols and related procedures. They did the exact same thing as they’d done with prior cases. This time, however, they...
Healthcare’s version of the Industrial Revolution is well underway. Over the last decade, five revolutionary forces 1 have taken industry stakeholders by storm: the convergence of genetic and computer codes, advancements in mobile technologies, a negative return on capital, the integration of...
Picture this scenario: a 300-unit regional hospital in Ruraltown, USA, derives a significant amount of its revenue through its participation in government-sponsored Medicare and Medicaid programs and the hospital’s entitlement to prospective reimbursements from the government. Operations have been...
If restructuring professionals were asked whether the U.S. economy is currently weak or strong, they would likely offer varying answers depending on each professional’s experience. CFOs might answer entirely differently depending on the areas of business in which they operate. To avoid this kind of...
Price gouging, treatment rationing, and data falsification are signs that the Anthropocene Epoch has arrived in healthcare and extinction lies ahead for those that cannot adapt. As a result of revolutionary changes in the reimbursement system that the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS...
“It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked.” —Warren Buffet It is no secret the healthcare industry has been experiencing an unprecedented tidal wave of consolidation over the past several years. On its surface, the healthcare industry appears to be generally...
Healthcare reform has dramatically changed the manner in which health systems deliver care to patients and how they are reimbursed for services. As hospital boards review their institutions’ competitive positions in a post-healthcare reform world, particularly those overseeing community hospitals,...
Although many of the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as “Obamacare,” did not take effect until several years after its March 2010 enactment, supporters and opponents would agree that Obamacare enacted sweeping and significant changes not only to the...