UPDATE ON 4/24/2019: Due to lack of sign-ups at the San Antonio location, we are cancelling the meeting in that location. The Austin location will still be open and will host to the April meeting. There are just a few spots left, so online registration is now closed. Please contact the TMA Central...
CLICK To Tune Into The Podcast ( Be sure to scroll and click on the 2/19/19 Podcast ) Bernstein Insights | Inspired Investing: Investment Committee Ins & Outs , 2/19/19, Clare Golla, Marie Fahrenbach, Peter Pfeiffer How can you establish an effective investment committee? On this podcast we...
Jetson Specialty Marketing Services, Inc. Huntington Business Credit announced it closed a new $8,000,000 credit facility with Jetson Specialty Marketing Services, Inc. on January 31, 2019. Proceeds of the facilities were used to refinance existing debt and provide ongoing working capital financing...
22nd Annual Golf Outing June 17, 2019 Join us at Wabeek Country Club! Whether you're a golfer or not, come out and network with TMA Detroit and support Kids Kicking Cancer! Your package includes a grilled lunch, drinks and snacks on the course, a dinner reception and prizes. Donations will go to...
16th Annual Joint Breakfast Meeting with ACG Weathering Our Business Climate: New Jersey's Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities Guest Speaker: Michele N. Siekerka, Esq. - President & CEO - New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA) Guest Panelists Joining Michele Siekerka...
The Hon. Kevin J. Carey has announced that he will retire from bench effective August 31 after 19 years, the past 14 of which he served as a U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge for the District of Delaware. A former TMA Global president and chair, Carey said he expects to remain active in the industry...
William J. Hass, CTP , a former TMA chair and enthusiastic advocate for the organization and its Certified Turnaround Professional program, died on January 7 while on a ski trip in Breckenridge, Colorado. He was 71. Hass was found unconscious on a black diamond run at Breckenridge Ski Resort and...
AUTISM TREATMENT CENTER CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT Please join our Chapter and The Finance Forum Monday, April 15th @ Cowboys Golf Club in Grapevine, Texas Welcome AUTISM TREATMENT CENTER as our official Golf Title Sponsor for this year's Charity Golf Tournament. We are truly grateful for their role...
Program presented by NJTMA NextGen Division, and NJ Network of IWIRC. All are welcome! Join the NJTMA NextGens and IWIRC for this annual event with a new twist - the evening will include a variety of passed foods paired with different beer types and styles instead of a formal sit down dinner to...
TMA Talks is a regular series of podcasts hosted by TMA Global CEO Scott Y. Stuart, Esq. Subscribe to TMA Talks on: iTunes SoundCloud Google Play Click below to watch TMA Talks Episode 18 about the Union Metal turnaround. Jeff Sands, CTP, Managing Director, Dorset Partners. Click here to see...