TMA Detroit nextGen, RMA East Michigan Young Professionals, ACG Detroit NextGen and the Chaldean Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Join Southeast Michigan's premier young professional organizations for a night of networking and fun at Vinotecca in Birmingham. Casual dress is okay. Food and...
TMA Kalamazoo Scavenger Hunt sponsored by the TMA West Michigan Network of Women (NOW) Calling all turnaround and insolvency professionals of West Michigan... The West Michigan NOW Group would like to invite both men and women to join in a scavenger hunt located in Kalamazoo. Join forces with other...
Please join the NextGen Group of Turnaround Management Association of West Michigan for our Third Annual ArtPrize Pub Cruise! This fun filled evening needs no introduction. A crowd favorite, this event fills to capacity every year. Featuring pub hopping, art, music, fun and networking, all food and...
Announcing a TMA West Michigan Fall Member Breakfast Are you a current member of TMA West Michigan or a sponsor of our chapter ? If so, we want you to attend our Fall Member Breakfast hosted at Colliers in downtown Grand Rapids! Offered twice a year, these breakfasts serve as an opportunity to meet...
Holiday Party Once again, the TMA is combining its annual holiday party with our friends from ACG Pittsburgh, CFA Society, Financial Executives International (FEI Pittsburgh), Financial Industries Network (FIN), National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD Three Rivers), and Pittsburgh Venture...
The Death of LIBOR: Future Economic, Legal and Practical Effects Please join TMA NextGen for a panel discussion featuring Patricia J. Christ, Assistant General Counsel and Senior Vice President at Bank of America; Dr. Roger Tutterow, acclaimed economist, professor, and Director of the Econometric...
While there does not appear to be single market force poised to strike in the near future equivalent to the mortgage crisis that precipitated the Great Recession, we are seeing various events that threaten to converge and create a perfect storm that could precipitate an economic downturn...
A&G Realty Partners has established a new Healthcare Property Division and named Peter J. Lynch, a Los Angeles-based principal at the firm to head the unit. Maximizing real estate assets allows healthcare companies to drive down costs and better position themselves for survival or growth, the...
Arizona Jeremy R. Jarrett, Greenspoon Marder PA Suzanne Kelly Atlanta J. Patrick Moody, Citizens Bank Stephen Schlesser, Vion Investments Zachary Shipps, Jone Lange LaSalle Austria Marcus Bumberger, Oberbank AG Burak Buyukfirat Gerhard Ebner, A.B.S. Factoring AG Lorenz Gabmann, KPMG Advisory GmbH...