TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter Award Program Large Turnaround of the Year While it might seem unlikely for a company that possessed a 9:1 total leverage ratio a year earlier to be refinanced at full par value, that is exactly what The Keystone Group, Management, Mid Oaks (equity sponsor), Wells Fargo...
TMA Welcomes Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany By Michael Brandess On September 11, the chapter welcomed Big Ten Conference Commissioner Jim Delany to a luncheon hosted at Jenner and Block LLP’s downtown Chicago offices. The event, which was well attended by chapter members and Big Ten enthusiasts,...
By Angela M. Allen, Jenner & Block, LLP On September 28, the NOW Committee hosted its third quarterly brown bag lunch at Jenner & Block. The lunch featured Dr. Nicholas Pearce, an award-winning professor at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. Attendees participated in an...
Partner and Head of Operations of Valor Equity Partners, Timothy Watkins, spoke to the chapter's CTPs and CTAs on October 10, and gave everyone an inside track of what it takes to be an operationally active investor and to make a real difference in its diverse portfolio companies. In his recent...
On Thursday, October 29, 2014, many TMA members attended the Second Annual SuperConnect reception, a collaborative event that fosters connections and networking opportunities among professionals, membership associations, and organizations in key industries. This year the TMA was joined by nine...
By Neema Thachet Varghese, NV Consulting Services On November 17, TMA NOW held its second educational luncheon of the year at Petterino’s. The luncheon provided participants the opportunity to listen to a panel of esteemed peers discuss the ABI Commission Report and its impacts to restructuring...
Approximately 50 people attended the October 6 Milwaukee breakfast at the Hotel Metro. Kim Magnabosco (Brass Tacks Group) and Ed Duffy (Financial Management Services Corp.) were the Starbucks gift card winners. Milwaukee breakfasts are held on the second Tuesday of every even month (excluding...
At the recent gathering in Scottsdale, AZ, your TMA Chicaog/Midwest Chapter garnered several awards, including the TMA Global Award for Operational Excellence (Large Chapter)! The chapter's honors were based on its five operational tactics, including Data Driven Decision Making, Leadership...
Thoughts from Zachary Garrett, VP-Communications, Goldberg Kohn Ltd. Realizing the Benefits of Your TMA Membership One of my primary goals in serving as Vice President of Communications has been to communicate and emphasize the benefits of being a member of the TMA's Chicago/Midwest Chapter. Over...
Aaron Hammer, Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP Your Professional Growth-—An Ambitious 2015 and a Continued Call to Arms There is a moment of self-introspection that naturally arrives with the finality of each year. Did I complete what I set out to accomplish? What can I improve upon going...