TMA welcomes the submission of opinion pieces on topics of interest to its members and signed letters commenting on opinion pieces in My View. Please send your submissions to Managing Editor Eddy McNeil at or Public Relations Manager Michele Drayton at
In Defense of Value: Appraisers are Not to Blame
Dec 3, 2009 (TMA Global) – One must look back at how a combination of economic factors brought us to this point, what the short-term predictions are, and why an appraiser cannot ignore these facts when a lender is relying on these conclusions.
Are Appraisers Killing the Banking Industry?
Oct 2, 2009 (TMA Global) – The conclusion of value provided by most appraisers today prevents banks from entering into reasonable renewals or restructures, causes undue pressure on the real estate industry, and threatens the viability of financial institutions by negatively impacting their capital.
We Are on a Dangerous Course and Everything Is at Stake
Mar 25, 2009 (TMA Global) – Instead of focusing on the full economic and social benefits of reorganizations/turnarounds, Congress, the courts, and unfortunately our profession have focused on the small leverage issues driven by the larger and shorter cycled financial interests.
Out-of-Court Restructuring Is the Only Path for the Auto Industry
Dec 9, 2008 (TMA Global) – Many who cavalierly suggest that bankruptcy is the best solution for General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler underestimate the risk and complexity involved in reorganizing in the auto industry.
Why GM Should File For Bankruptcy
Dec 5, 2008 (TMA Global) – All this talk about a government rescue of General Motors and other automakers is misguided, likely a waste of taxpayers’ money, and a potential further diminution in the creditworthiness of the U.S. government.
Good Policy or Bad Politics?
Dec 5, 2008 (TMA Global) – On January 20, Barack Obama takes over the nation's economic helm. How will he navigate around two of his greatest challenges—stabilizing our financial institutions and restructuring our largest industry? With good policy or bad politics?