As professionals in the restructuring, corporate renewal, and insolvency industries, we witness obstacles and challenges caused by disruption that our clients and businesses face every day. Although no one could have predicted the “disruption of the century” caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic, our members and community were armed with the tools they needed to remain resilient and innovative. This is the essence of the fabric of TMA members.
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s aphorism and affirmation of resilience, “What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger,” has never been truer than it is today. I have never been prouder of TMA—our team, leadership, and members—for our resilience, innovation, and strength during this unanticipated disruption. Despite our creativity in keeping in touch virtually, TMA members’ cravings for connectivity remained more intense than ever, and so the return of in-person events is beginning to satiate our hunger for face-to-face human connections.
This has been evident at the many in-person events I’ve had the privilege of attending this past spring, including the MidAmerica Regional Conference (MARC) in Milwaukee in April. Along with the TMA NOW Summit and the TMA Southwest Conference in Austin and San Antonio, Texas, respectively, in May, these conferences, in true TMA style, provided attendees with a plethora of unique networking, high-level education, TED Talk-style sessions, a capital forum showcase, and captivating keynotes, with unparalleled Midwestern and Texan hospitality. I have Midwestern roots and I’m a native Texan, so for me it was like going home and visiting family!
As summer fast approaches, we find ourselves in the midst of a welcome season of relaxation, vacations, and family time. Folks in restructuring, corporate renewal, and insolvency businesses should take advantage of this time to refuel and gear up for what forecasters predict will be very busy time ahead during the final two quarters of this year. TMA opportunities for our community will continue to be plentiful, and the ability of our members to reconnect, if they haven’t already done so, will be available and will assist them in preparing for the ever-changing landscape with innovative in-person and virtual programming, education, certification, and connective networking.
Additionally, during this quieter time of the year, TMA leadership and members will be participating in strategic planning sessions to help TMA remain current, relevant, and on the cutting edge in the association world within our community. Corporate Secretary Jonathan Reimche, CTP, is leading the charge as chair of the 2022 Strategic Planning Committee and shepherding the process in a most thoughtful and constructive manner. Our findings and analysis will help guide TMA into the future. So, even during this quite time of the year, TMA remains active.
TMA Global Chair Matthew English, CTP; Immediate Past Chair Derek Meek; TMA Global CEO Scott Stuart; and I look forward to seeing you at one of the many TMA chapter, regional, and international events we are scheduled to attend this summer. Then, please make sure to mark your calendars and join me in attending The Annual in Boston November 1-4.
Jane W. Mitnick
TMA Global President