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COVID-19 Impact Series: Economic Update with Dr. Jerry Nickelsburg

On May 19, 2020 TMA SoCal welcomed back Dr. Jerry Nickelsburg who will gave us one of the most important presentations of the year as he updated the state of the economy (California as well as national) in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This presentation was the 6th in our respected COVID-19 Impact Series.

Dr. Nickelsburg is a Professor of Economics at the UCLA Anderson School of Management and previously held a position with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors developing forecasting tools. Additionally, he has advised banks, investors and financial institutions on all types of economic matters.

As Director of the UCLA Anderson Forecast, Dr. Nickelsburg plays a key role in the economic modeling and forecasting for the national and California economies.  

Here are the other webinars in our trend setting series: