Welcome To
The Long Island Chapter
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Stamp Out Hunger

Join TMA Long Island and Island Harvest to Stamp Out Hunger

May 14, 2018 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.

 Location - TBA 

(we will notify all attendees of the event location the week prior to the event)

To register, please clink on this link:  


TMA Long Island & Island Harvest - Join Us! 

We are packing food donations for delivery to Long Islanders. 

Family members are invited and welcome to help (Children must be 12 or older). 


If you are unable to attend this event, but would like to help Stamp Out Hunger by making a monetary donation, please click on the link below:


TMA Long Island & Island Harvest - Donate!

If you need assistance in registering, please contact:

 Laura Carey, TMA-LI Chapter Executive


(516) 445-6221


 Our 2018 TMA-LI Officers:

Sheryl Giugliano, Esq. Executive President, Diamond McCarthy LLP  

 Sean Clancy, Executive Vice President, Marcum LLP 

Hernan Serrano, Treasurer, BSD Advisors, LLC 

Neil Seiden, Secretary, Asset Enhancement Solutions 

Matthew Roseman, Esq. General Counsel, Cullen and Dykman LLC 

Marc Horowitz, Vice President, Membership, Acculease

Bradley Stanza, Vice President, Sponsorship, IDB Bank 

Open, Vice President, Programming, TBD

Gerard R. Luckman, Esq. Vice President, Marketing, FDT Firm Advantage