Michael J. Egan, Monroe Capital LLC
The Home Stretch!
Anyone who knows me well is aware that I am a big track & field fan. Summer Olympic years are a big treat for me. We get to see the best of the best compete and this kind of opportunity makes even the most casual fan excited about something I am into all year. So when I say I've rounded the last turn and plan on a strong finishing kick, most readers can probably relate to the term if they watched the Olympic Games like I did. In this case though, I'm not talking about running a race, I am referring to my TMA presidency. I can assure you that your Chicago/Midwest Chapter TMA representatives are planning on a strong finishing kick as well. By the way, I must thank Ryan Jaskiewicz of 12five Capital and a Chapter Board Director whose tweets and retweets kept me up to date on Olympic track and field events.
We have many upcoming events on the agenda for your enjoyment including a breakfast event at the Standard Club on October 14th with none other than "Da Coach," Mike Ditka. This Chapter has hosted many great speaker events over the years but I can’t imagine one that could possibly be better than a morning with Coach Ditka. Mark your calendars and sign up early for this event, demand will be high. Our Breakfast Committee, comprised of Melissa Dimitri of Grant Thornton LLP, Michael Brandess of Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP, Jonathan Weinberg of KPMG Corporate Finance LLC, Brian Stewart of The Keystone Group, and Nick Miller of Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP, has been hard at work to bring you this quality experience.
The Executive Speaker Forum will again be at the Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel on November 21st featuring former Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner. Mr. Boehner will be joined in a question and answer format moderated by Lara Logan of 60 Minutes fame. This is always a great event. We are expecting over 600 guests. We still have full tables and individual tickets available for purchase so be sure to sign up for that event as well.
This is just a sampling of our great events. You can check the TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter website for a list of all events and details.
Over the years we have all seen conference and event attendance fluctuate for various reasons. I will say that it is my observation that attendance at our recent TMA events has been very robust and active. I recently had the opportunity to attend a joint TMA NOW (Network of Women) and Chartered Financial Analyst event. This type of program typically draws 30-35 people. We had over 60 people sign up for this event. It was a great networking opportunity for me to meet with other TMA members and new acquaintances from the Chartered Financial Analyst group as well.
As a lender, I have the opportunity to speak to many capital providers, investment bankers, lawyers, and turnaround restructuring professionals. My sense is that we have a very busy market out there. In terms of new debt issuances, the healthcare sector is very hot. With that volume, professionals in healthcare financial services are in high demand. Based on my research, defaults in the oil and gas sector continue to lead the way. The number of experienced, hands-on turnaround professionals in the energy space has grown during this cycle. Deep levels of experience and know-how exist right here in our Chapter. As I always say, keep your ear to the ground for the opportunities that suit you and your firm best, that's what I do!
I'd like to send special thanks to two of our members, Allen Pratt of FGMK, LLC and Tony Natale of Shepherd Partners, Inc., who are working hard to advance the Certified Turnaround Professional and Certified Turnaround Analyst brand. If you would like to know more about hiring CTPs or CTAs or becoming one, please see our Chapter website for details.
I would also like to thank the members of our Milwaukee group and their extended family and friends including Gene Arenson (HyperAMS, LLC) and Amy Arenson, Victor Ronk (FirstMerit Bank Business Credit), Myles Osswald, and Helen Lau (Associated Bank) and Tom Lau, who participated in the Walk for Wishes race in August. Great fun for a great cause--it sounds like a winning combination to me.
I trust you have noticed a consistent theme in my newsletters--use TMA professionals, come to our events and participate. This is the major focus of my presidency. As I enter the finishing straightaway and prepare to look back after I cross the finish line, I hope to create some new and lasting habits with YOU, our Chapter membership.