Welcome To
The West Michigan Chapter
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Become a Sponsor

On behalf of TMA WM, the Board of Directors would like to thank you for your consideration of sponsorship for 2022. We welcome your participation with our active and fast growing chapter.

For a yearly cost of $2,250, some of the benefits include: 

  • Your company's logo displayed on the sponsor banner at all meetings and events.
  • Your company's logo displayed on the power point which is scrolling at the begining of each event.
  • Your company's logo placed on the TMA West Michigan’s website- home page (including a hyperlink and sponsor tab).
  • Your company's logo placed on the TMA West Michigan's event registration website (including a hyperlink).
  • Your comapny's logo included in each communication sent to our database of over 1,500 industry contacts including: bankers, attorneys, consultants, brokers, private equity investors, auctioneers, realtors and others directly involved in the TMA community.
  • Your comapny's logo included in each thank you email sent post event.
  • Your comapny's logo included in the printed and pdf versions of the membership brochure. 
  • 2 free tickets, per event, to network with your peers.
  • Speaking opportunities at events including the positions of panelists, moderators, etc.
  • 2 Featured Posts on TMA West Michigan's LinkedIn page.

Please contact Turnaround Management Association of West Michigan for additional information:

Email: ​assocmgr@tmawm.com
Phone: 616.301.0096

 OrPDF icon click here download the Sponsorship Form.