TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter Memorial Scholarship Foundation
History of the Scholarship Foundation
Following the tragic accidental death in 2006 of one of the Chapters’ steering committee members, Janet Intrieri, a task force was quickly assembled by the chapter members to address the many inquiries for a memorial to be established in Janet’s name. The task force took a broader view and established the Memorial Scholarship Foundation to honor Janet and other individual members who have died and who have contributed and worked in the turnaround and corporate renewal industries. Foundation honorees to date include Janet Intrieri, Harry Peurcil, Bill Bloom, Brian Davis and Bob Morris.
A 501(c)(3) Illinois not-for-profit corporation was officially incorporated in August 2007 for the purpose of honoring Chicago/Midwest Chapter members and their families via a scholarship program for chapter members, industry contributors and their families. At its inception, Lake Pointe Partners (Janet’s former employer) launched a $25,000 matching challenge grant program to raise contributions with the combined goal of $50,000. By December 31, 2007 that challenge had been reached with contributions from individuals, families and corporations of the Chicago/Midwest membership.
Richard and Joanne Intrieri & family, Janet’s parents and family, inaugurated the donations by contributing $10,000 to the Foundation. Other individual members contributing $1,000 or more to the Foundation were: Bernadette M. Barron, Colin Cross, Joseph J. Fobbe, Gail D. Heldke, Jeffrey S. Hyland, Lisa N. Johnson, Kevin A. & Joanne C. Krakora, Maureen Mrowice, Norman B & Linda Newman, David D. Onion, Michael D. Paulsen, and James M. Rubenstein. Other corporate contributors included Biff Rutenberg Foundation, Concord Financial Advisors, Facilitec USA, Inc., Glatz Management Services, Lake Pointe Partners, LLC and MorrisAnderson. The Foundation continues to grow by individual contributions and by proceeds raised through the annual TMA Chicago/Midwest Charity Golf Outing. In is 10th year, this year’s golf outing was the third year that funds raised at the Outing were generously contributed to the Memorial Scholarship Foundation.
As a chapter benefit, all members are encouraged to participate in this wonderful program and avail themselves and their families to this benefit.
Scholarship applications are accepted from January through April of each year. For more information on applying for the annual scholarship program, call the Chapter office at 815-469-2935.
To make a donation to the Memorial Scholarship Foundation, click here.