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TMA NextGen Committee Roster

View the current TMA NextGen Committee roster. 

Young Professionals Playbook

The Young Professionals Playbook is a great introduction for chapters looking to develop a NextGen program.  

Templates & Resources

The samples provided below can be used in planning your chapter’s NextGen committee structure, event programming, and membership campaigns. TMA Global staff can assist with any marketing or graphic design needs, such as fliers, email templates, or web banners. 
Tear Sheets
Financial Templates
1. NextGen Event Financial Model (New York City Chapter) 
2. NextGen Post-Event Financial Analysis (New York City Chapter)
3. NextGen Annual Budget Example (Chicago Chapter)
4. NextGen Event Budget Example (New York City Chapter)
5. NextGen Event Budget Example (Southern California Chapter)
Meeting Templates
3. NextGen Committee Agenda (New York City Chapter)
4. NextGen Committee Minutes (New York City Chapter)
5. NextGen Breakfast Panel Presentation (New York City Chapter)
6. NextGen Breakfast Panel PowerPoint (New York City Chapter)
Marketing Templates (emails, fliers, etc.)
10. NextGen Event Email - Golf Event (Atlanta Chapter)
11. NextGen Event Email - Titan Panel (Dallas Chapter) 
Planning Materials
Education Materials
1. Triangular Article 9 Sales Presentation (Western Regional Conference)
Education Materials - General Topic/Industry State
2. Transformational Workshop Flier (Alabama Chapter)
3. Transforming Your Company (Alabama Chapter)
4. Alternatives to Bankruptcy (Philadelphia Chapter)
5. Alternative Lending Structures (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
6. Restructuring and Bankruptcy Alternatives to Maximize Value (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
7. Economic Research (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
8. Greatest Challenges Facing the Turnaround Industry (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
9. Scenario of a Distressed Regional Hospital System (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
10. Bankruptcy Judges Roundtable: Discussion of Issues Affecting Our Industry (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
11. Time Table for Capital Changes (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
12. The Changing Faces of Turnaround (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
13. Hot Topics Panel (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
14. Hot Topics Panel Questions (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
15. Economists’ Perspectives Panel (Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chesapeake Chapters)
17. Keys to Success in Turnarounds (Tennessee Chapter)
Education Materials - FA and Lawyer Knowledge 
1. Bankruptcy Negotiation Exercise (Chicago Chapter)
2. Issues in Asset Sales (Chicago Chapter)
4. 13-Week Cash Flow Forecast (Chicago Chapter)
6. What Is New Is Getting Old (Philadelphia Chapter)
7. Managing Cash Flow (Philadelphia Chapter)
8. Cash Flow Management (Philadelphia Chapter)
10. Cases Cited in Valuation Panel above (Southern California Chapter)
11. Triangular Article 9 Sales (Southern California Chapter)
12. Judges Roundtable: Employment of CROs (Southern California Chapter)
Education Materials - Lender Knowledge 
1. Anatomy of an Asset Based Loan (Michigan Chapter)
3. Portfolio Management (Philadelphia Chapter)
4. Lender Liability and Other Sources of Lender Exposure (Tennessee Chapter) (Email msage@turnaround.org for a copy of this document)
Education Materials - Networking/Social Media 
2. Social Media Primer (Chicago Chapter)
3. LinkedIn Search Tips (Houston Chapter)
Education Materials - Industry Topic 
2. Healthcare Fraud (Tennessee Chapter)
Other (logos, graphics, etc.)
2. TMA Logo Grey (jpg file) 
3. NextGen Web Banner (jpg file) 
8. NextGen QR Code (png file) 
Have any suggestions, materials, or other helpful resources to post here? Please contact Laura Caputo, TMA Global Chief of Staff.