TMA NextGen Committee Roster
Young Professionals Playbook
Templates & Resources
The samples provided below can be used in planning your chapter’s NextGen committee structure, event programming, and membership campaigns. TMA Global staff can assist with any marketing or graphic design needs, such as fliers, email templates, or web banners.
Tear Sheets
Financial Templates
Meeting Templates
Marketing Templates (emails, fliers, etc.)
Planning Materials
Education Materials
Education Materials - General Topic/Industry State
Education Materials - FA and Lawyer Knowledge
Education Materials - Lender Knowledge
4. Lender Liability and Other Sources of Lender Exposure (Tennessee Chapter) (Email for a copy of this document)
Education Materials - Networking/Social Media
Education Materials - Industry Topic
Other (logos, graphics, etc.)
Have any suggestions, materials, or other helpful resources to post here? Please contact
Laura Caputo, TMA Global Chief of Staff.