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Letter From TMA NV President

A NV PresidentLetter from TMA NV President / Craig Dunlap

by Craig Dunlap, Chapter President
Aug 3, 2015

TMA NEVADA [Participate . . . Stimulate . . . Educate.]

Hello and welcome to TMA Nevada. I am proud to serve as the president of this chapter. Our local economy is growing and so is our chapter. We are made up of professional members that individually and collectively work as positive change-agents in our chosen fields. Each of us is involved in some capacity of successfully operating businesses, contributing to corporate renewal, and helping turn businesses around.

Companies with a desire to go global can easily and affordably utilize our global connections and resources as an efficient platform to do so. That’s because TMA Nevada is fueled and chartered by TMA, the Chicago-based, global organization that was formed in 1988. When you join TMA, you are automatically directly in-league with over 9,300 members in 49 chapters throughout the U.S. and around the globe.

A common interest in sharing and providing expertise, support, reinforcement, resources, education, leadership, guidance, strategy, funding, etc., is what brings and keeps all of us together. We seek to provide positive change and growth, which begin at company-level; and from there we go on to enhance and enrich the community, state, country, and ultimately impact the world in many ways.

Business owners and corporate companies benefit from our member’s assistance in helping them sort out and overcome a myriad of growth-related improvement issues. Our members provide clarity, stability and the appropriate tools to increase and enhance businesses to operate with next-level performance going forward.

TMA Nevada offers you and other business owners, c-level, and turnaround industry professionals a friendly and fruitful meeting experience. You can network, with other professionals, exchange ideas with peers, and remain educated and updated from our innovative and compelling TMA Nevada and TMA Global programs that will certainly fulfill your professional mandates.

Our presentation topics and programs focus on business issues that impact companies which are in distress or simply desire to grow. From bankruptcy logistics, and financing tactics, to techniques in honing marketing, and sales strategies, TMA Nevada leads the way.

We Invite you to Activate, Retain or Renew Your TMA Nevada Membership to:
• Participate . . .
• Stimulate . . .
• Educate . . .

>Participate, Grow Your Network: Attend chapter events and interact with fellow members to expand your professional association of potential c-level clients, strategic business alliance partners, investors, mutual referral sources, and vendors. Become a sponsor to advertise your company as you help support the organization. Pay it forward. Share your legacy of experience and help prepare future leaders by mentoring TMA’s NextGen professionals.

>Stimulate: The Sky’s the Limit Help grow your clients businesses, your company, and the economy as you interact with peers to gain perspective on every stage of business—including local, regional, national and global business planning, funding, selling, buy-outs, succession planning, growth/development, mergers, turnaround, and more.

>Educate: The More you Know, the More You’ll Accomplish. TMA Global’s Web site shares international news, trends, best practice advice and more; business professionals, attorneys, and CPAs can gain continuing education accreditation by participating in on-line certificate programs from TMA Global; and AICPA and Nevada State Bar Association continuing education credits can be earned by attending designated functions.
Feel free to call our chapter executive, James Lamb at (702) 499-3291, to discuss TMA.

Yours truly,
Craig Dunlap
President, TMA Nevada