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Frequently Asked Questions

What is its mission?

The Mission Statement approved in 2004 states the Association’s scope and purpose.

TMA’s mission is to serve as a forum for corporate renewal professionals from all disciplines to promote high standards of practice, foster professional development and enhance the image of TMA members.

What is its vision?

The Vision Statement developed in 2004 identifies what the Association desires to become or to create in the long-term.

TMA will be recognized by the global business community as the pre-eminent organization in which turnaround and corporate renewal professionals from all disciplines choose to associate, market their services and develop their professional skills.

What is TMA?

Turnaround Management Association ( www.turnaround.org ) is the only international non-profit 501(c)(6) association dedicated to corporate renewal and turnaround management.

Who belongs to TMA?

Established in 1988, TMA has more than 9,000 members in 48 chapters, including 31 in North America and one each in Australia, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Romania, Southern Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the United Kingdom, with a chapter in formation in Singapore. 

They comprise a professional community of turnaround practitioners, attorneys, accountants, investors, lenders, venture capitalists, appraisers, liquidators, executive recruiters, and consultants.

How do I become a member?

To learn more about TMA membership benefits, please visit theMembership area of our Web site. 

Joining or renewing your membership is easy!

  • Online (available 24/7)
  • By phone at (312) 578-6900 (available M-F, 8:30am-5pm CST)
  • By mail, fax, or email using our hardcopy application

How much does it cost?

Memberships are on an individual basis only and are valid for 12 months from the time of joining (anniversary cycle). Regular dues are $300 for industry professionals, $150 for young professional new members (35 and under), $125 for government employees and academic members, and $75 for full-time students. 

Verification is required to join as a Young Professional, Government/Academic or Full-Time Student member, and applications are subject to approval.  For more information about qualifying for these rates, please click here or contact the Membership Department at (312) 578-6900 or membership@turnaround.org.

Why should I join?

TMA is the premier professional community dedicated to turnaround management and corporate renewal. At TMA’s international conferences, you will meet leading experts and the finest business minds in the restructuring industry worldwide. TMA’s strength comes its diverse membership -- professionals from many disciplines committed to a common goal: to stabilize and revitalize corporate value.

TMA’s chapters provide the opportunity to network and attend educational sessions to hone your corporate renewal skills and expand your contacts. To find a chapter near you, visit the Chapters page to bring up a list of chapters by state, region, or country.

You will receive free as part of your membership the Journal of Corporate Renewal  and access to members-only sections of the Web site.

For a complete list of benefits, please click here.

How do I contact a chapter?

Visit our Chapters page, which will display a list of active chapters by state, region, and/or country, along with their current presidents and links to their Web sites. The chapter’s contact information can be found at the bottom of each chapter Web site.

On most chapter’s Web sites, you can view all the board members or committees by clicking on the About TMA link and clicking on Board of Directors or Committees.

How do I find a TMA member?

To browse by chapter, industry, or occupation, please visit our onlineMembership Directory. You can also perform an advanced search for members by name, location, specialty area, and other criteria using the Search > Membership Directory option above the search bar on the page header.