Be sure to take full advantage of your TMA affiliation and gain more exposure throughout the year by partnering with the Chapter
as an Annual Sponsor.
2016 Annual Chapter Sponsorship Program
MEMBERS: $750.00 NON-MEMBERS: $975.00
Annual Chapter Sponsors will receive the following benefits:
1. Six (6) FREE event registrations;
2. A Gold “Sponsor” Ribbon added to your name tag at all events;
3. An introduction during one 2016 event with an opportunity to give a one-minute overview of your company and its services;
4. Your company's logo to be included in chapter emails; and
5. Your company’s logo displayed electronically at all Tennessee chapter Nashville meetings;
"I've gotten a number of legitimate, 'for sure wouldn't have got the deal but for TMA' deals over the years."
-Brian Van Nevel, Spectrum Commercial Services Company, TMA Minnesota