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TMA Martini Night


Neema Thachet Varghese, NV Consulting Services

While martinis were very popular when the TMA first began hosting its Martini Night networking reception, in its twelfth year it was time to kick it up a notch!  On February 25 the TMA served not only martinis, but offered guests a premium scotch and bourbon tasting as well. The Martini Night event was held at The Library, a unique space for turnaround professionals to congregate amidst walls lined with law books.  Networking in the winter months gets hard with difficult commutes and airport delays but professionals traveled from near and far to attend this event, some leaving directly from Martini Night for the last flight out of Chicago! Guests responded positively to the new venue and a great time was had by nearly 200 attendees.

In addition to enjoying the upgraded venue and single malt scotch, guests also purchased raffle tickets to win a foursome at the TMA’s charity golf outing coming up on June 22nd. Proceeds from the raffle tickets will benefit the TMA Chicago/Midwest Memorial Scholarship Foundation.  Many congrats to Doug Lipke from Vedder Price PC for winning the golf foursome. Good luck to you in June!