Michael J. Egan, Monroe Capital LLC
Keep it Going!
Several years ago I received a call from Tom Pabst, president of Hyperams LLC and then-president of the TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter. Tom asked me if I would like to get more involved in the chapter's committees and leadership. I must thank Tom for that invitation as it has now led me to represent you as your chapter president for 2016. I want to thank all of you for providing me with the opportunity to be your president. By way of background, I am an avid sports fan/participant and the Chief Credit Officer of Monroe Capital LLC, an active middle market investor headquartered in Chicago.
Next, I would like thank my predecessor, Aaron Hammer of Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP. When Aaron took over as chapter president, he set a goal to "Be Ambitious." I think we can all agree-—mission accomplished! The chapter was elevated to new heights under his leadership. Anyone who knows me knows I like sports metaphors, so I will say that Aaron gave me the baton with the lead. I intend to do the same for John Kemp of Wolverine Partners who will follow me as President in 2017.
The ambitious goal I have for 2016 is to "Keep It Going." I cannot do this on my own, though, and the good news is I will not have to accomplish this alone. Our chapter has an all-star group of chapter leadership and board members to make it happen. They include:
● Mark Melickian, Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP, Vice President-Communications
● Barb Yong, Golan & Christie LLP, Vice President-Education
● Nick Miller, Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP, Vice President-Programs
● Ben Smith, Huron Consulting Group, Treasurer and Director
● Candice Kline, Sidley Austin LLP, Secretary
Our directors, who serve on the chapter’s board, are Angela Allen of Jenner & Block LLP, Alex Boerema of FGMK LLC, Michael Brandess of Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP, Melissa Dimitri of Grant Thornton LLP, Rebecca Fruchtman of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Ryan Jaskiewicz of 12five Capital LLC, Lou Marosi of Linkage Capital Management LLC, and Brian Stewart of The Keystone Group.
This leadership team is backed up by an equally talented group of committee members that will bring this chapter to the next level as well as Chris Galtz and her amazing team. I really look forward to being a part of this success. We need your help too! Here are some ways you can contribute:
•First, bring a colleague or a friend to our next event in an effort to introduce them to the TMA. The TMA is an excellent way to build the foundation for a network with not only others in the turnaround industry in the Chicago/Midwest region, but it can also be used as a platform for your national, or even global, network.
•Second, promote our NextGen membership with the young professionals in your organization. The TMA welcomes the next generation of turnaround and corporate restructuring professionals with networking and educational opportunities tailored to those in the early stages of their career through our NextGen program. NextGen members provide an excellent source of fresh, diversified ideas. Encouraging young professionals in the turnaround industry to become involved early with our association is a great way to make a lifelong member of the TMA
•Third, become active in TMA NOW (Network of Women). The Chicago/Midwest Chapter of TMA NOW may very well be the most active group in the chapter. TMA NOW is a group that was created to foster female leadership by creating the premier business development and networking group for women in the turnaround community.
•Last, if you are a member, please remember to renew your membership. Take advantage of all that your TMA membership provides. Feel free to contact our outstanding TMA Chapter administrators, Chris Glatz and Sue Fischer, to learn more.
To kick off 2016, we had our breakfast forum with Jesse Ruiz, the former CEO of Chicago Public Schools, and the always popular Milwaukee holiday party and Martini Networking Event. Coming up will be our next breakfast forum with a spectacular program as well as the TMA MidAmerica Regional Conference (MARC 2016), which returns to Chicago in May. Stay tuned for that and be sure to keep an eye on the calendar as we have many other events and programs I am sure you will find beneficial. Visit the chapter website at www.turnaround.org/chicagomidwest to keep informed of all upcoming events.
I would like to send out a special thank you to our chapter sponsors that support a significant portion of this chapter's activities.
Two thousand sixteen will provide all of us with some new and exciting opportunities. I wish you all the best and I hope to see you soon at the next TMA event. Let’s “Keep it Going!”