Angela M. Allen, Jenner and Block, LLP
On Monday November 21st, the TMA hosted its Ninth Annual Executive Speaker Forum featuring Former Speaker of the House John Boehner, with award-winning reporter Lara Logan from 60 Minutes to serve as our moderator. Planning for the event since early 2016, the Committee believed that Mr. Boehner would be a most fitting speaker given that the event would take place after a whirlwind primary election season, and mere weeks following what turned out to be a remarkable and staggering national election. Mr. Boehner did not disappoint. He proved himself to be forthcoming and unabashed when covering topics such as his time as Speaker of
the House, his relationship with President Obama, the 2016 primary elections, President-Elect Trump’s rise to victory and his expected effect on the economy and resulting impacts for our country and our industry, media coverage and polling predictions, political discourse, and foreign policy. Lara Logan skillfully moderated her conversation with Mr. Boehner, steering him through these myriad of topics and asking the tough questions, all the while affording the audience with a most lively and frank discussion. And as a special treat to those who hung around after the event, Mr. Boehner and Mrs. Logan spent quality time with attendees providing a unique opportunity to interact and mix and mingle with our honored guests.
The TMA extends its sincere gratitude to our generous and gracious sponsors for 2016’s Executive Speaker Forum:
The TMA also thanks its co-chairs for the event Rob Meyers (Republic Business Credit LLC), Lisa Neimark (Neimark Capital Advisors LLC), Peter Roberts (Shaw Fishman Glantz & Towbin LLC), Angela Allen (Jenner & Block LLP) and those who served on the 2016 Executive Speaker Forum Committee: Adam Evans (Hilco Global), Shelly De Rousse (Freeborn & Peters LLP), John Kemp (Wolverine Partners), Harold Israel (Goldstein & McClintock LLLP), and Tom Horak (Wells Fargo Capital Finance). Launched in 2009, the Executive Speaker Forum has featured prominent political leaders including Former President George W. Bush, former Prime Minister of England Tony Blair, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of the Treasury and chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs Henry M. Paulson, Jr., former Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, former Governor Mitt Romney, and former Secretaries of Defense Dr. Robert M. Gates and Leon Edward Panetta. The TMA looks forward to many years of the Executive Speaker Forum to come!