Could the retail apocalypse really get any worse than it already was? Unfortunately, the answer was yes. Is the tsunami of a retail market in freefall redefining a space that is already in the severest historical levels of...
With the world in an economic chokehold and in dire need of turnaround help across most industry sectors, is the traditional Chapter 11 bankruptcy back in vogue, or will alternatives to bankruptcy give Chapters 11 and 7 a run...
Subchapter V, The Newest Tool to Help Small Businesses
Subchapter V trustees give an overview of eligibility for and key features of this new portion of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code designed to make Chapter 11 proceedings faster, cheaper, and easier for small businesses. With...
Join the Northern District of Ohio's Subchapter V Bankruptcy Trustees as they discuss how the new legislation is being applied by debtors, courts, and trustees. The panel will talk about the types of cases filed, pending issues, recent decisions, and...
Prominent retail bankruptcies already made headlines before the COVID-19 pandemic forced store closures across the U.S. With many states now allowing businesses to reopen, can retailers survive at 50% capacity or...
The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (SBRA), known as Subchapter V (Public Law (PL) 116-54), presents a new opportunity for reorganizing small businesses under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. This new law became effective February 20, 2020, and was promptly expanded as of March 27...
Debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing is commonly used to fund operations during Chapter 11 restructuring and takes priority over existing claims. In some recent bankruptcy cases, last-minute loans and other liquidity infusions before filing...
Expand your horizons and explore recent happenings in cross-border insolvencies during this period of economic uncertainty. Key players from large international cases will discuss jurisdictional considerations, challenges assisting clients in foreign jurisdictions...
Restructuring is used as a tool in more and more music, entertainment, IP, and licensing deals. And, as more forms of media shift to online streaming and other new distribution mechanisms, how will reorganization and restructuring protocols value and adapt to new...