Chapter 15 - The Next Wave of Opportunities for U.S. Restructuring Professionals? sponsored by Hilco Global
A working knowledge of Chapter 15 is something every practitioner should have in his or her toolbox. Learn about this important part of the U.S. Bankruptcy code...
In football, proper blocking helps a team control the line of scrimmage. Because a bankruptcy filing can shift the power away from an investor to the financially distressed company, investors often have sought to “control the line of scrimmage” and block companies in which they have invested from...
Best Practices for Directors & Officers in an Economic Downturn
What typical challenges face directors and officers of insolvent companies? To whom do directors and officers have a fiduciary duty in insolvency? Speakers offer valuable insights to help you determine if...
Prominent retail bankruptcies already made headlines before the COVID-19 pandemic forced store closures across the U.S. With many states now allowing businesses to reopen, can retailers survive at 50% capacity or...
Oil & Gas Distress: Price and Quantity Considerations beyond COVID-19
Oil prices had already tumbled in 2020 before the additional shock from COVID-19 shutdowns. What led up to this volatility, and where will the energy markets go from here?
The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (SBRA), known as Subchapter V (Public Law (PL) 116-54), presents a new opportunity for reorganizing small businesses under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. This new law became effective February 20, 2020, and was promptly expanded as of March 27...
On August 23, 2019, President Trump signed into law the Family Farmer Relief Act of 2019, which increased the debt limit under Chapter 12 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to $10 million from about $4.15 million. This means that Chapter 12 is now a viable option for larger family farming operations,...
With the surge in retailers filing for Chapter 11 over the last several years, precedents abound for the debtor-in-possession (DIP) packages put together to finance the bankruptcy cases of retail debtors. Certain patterns and common practices have begun to emerge. A review of large retail Chapter...
Last year saw over 9,300 retail store closures—more than any other year on record and a 60% increase over the roughly 5,800 closures in 2018. Whether one believes the industry is in the midst of the “retail apocalypse” or that what’s happening is merely a matter of survival of the fittest, it is a...