Oren Klein, photo courtesy of Victor Chu, victorchuphoto.com
Oren Klein is a managing partner and cofounder of AuctionAdvisors in Montclair, New Jersey. With more than 16 years of auction experience, he is responsible for auction sales and client management throughout the United States. Before entering the traditional auction business, Klein was a partner at...
Sufi Hadiwijaya, Teachable Moments
Soegiono “Sugi” Hadiwijaya , senior manager with Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP and senior vice president with Deloitte Corporate Restructuring Group in Dallas, has more than 10 years of combined experience in financial services and turnaround management. He has provided financial...
Bill Patterson, CTP, is a principal with Bridgepoint Consulting LLC in Austin, Texas. He has 30 years of financial experience, having spent 10 years with Big Four firms and served as CFO and consulted with a number of early-stage and mid-market companies. Patterson has extensive transaction...